Tuesday 24 April 2012

Animation So Far

The animation has started and is coming together quite nicely,

So far I have imported all the models and I was told from other peers that there might be a problem with the textures but everything was fine for me. 

I created the terrain for the animation where the crossbow and catapult will do battle, this was done by creating a simple cylinder and increasing the scale of the model so that it stretched out to cover a wide area. I choose to do the terrain this way because the world is round and hence what thee cylinder will do, I could have used a plane but the world is not flat and that it was you would have seen on the horizon.

The terrain texture reference is as follows,

Sand Terrain Texture - n.d. Sand Texture, [electronic image] Available at: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=sand+texture&hl=en&sa=X&gbv=2&biw=1184&bih=666&tbs=isz:l&tbm=isch&tbnid=018t48LRViNrTM:&imgrefurl=http://www.imageafter.com/image.php%3Fimage%3Db1dirt005.jpg%26size%3Dfull%26download%3Dno&docid=ZWFZYoad6VJSzM&imgurl=http://www.imageafter.com/dbase/textures/grounds/b1dirt005.jpg&w=1600&h=1200&ei=3UeRT-SCLeKV0QXsr9nVAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=882&vpy=252&dur=2571&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=63&ty=101&sig=117830732039765713861&page=1&tbnh=118&tbnw=155&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0,i:131 [Accessed 12 April 2012].

I have placed all the models in place for the animation so that I can just add the cameras and not need to move any of the models from their original position.

I also had to enlarge the models because the terrain was so large the models needed to compensate also otherwise they would have been tiny specs and would not have looked very good.

I just now need to add some more camera's and the text that is going to flying across the animation

Now lets keep going.

The Walking Model

For this tutorial I looked at a real-world preset action which is making a model walk!!!

For this I needed the simple character model that I had previously created and a preset model with 3D's Max called a Biped.

Firstly I needed to have the character open and I needed to bind the Biped model to the character model. This meant I had to line up the Biped model to the character model I created, for example I needed to add extra neck links and spine links. This was to make the character model move and seem more lifelike. I could have just used the preset Biped model but that is boring.

To begin the first step was very tricky, however it started to slowly come together but I had to basically 'snap' parts of the character model onto the Biped model, this was for the character model to have an exo-skeleton so that it could complete the next process.

Once That process was complete I was able to add footsteps and make my model really come to life by making it walk! This was done by using the 'Create Multiple Footsteps' action and all I needed to do from there was to choose how many footsteps I wanted and they were placed for me. I could have added extra actions such as how far part each step was but this was just practice.

From there on it was a case of pressing play and watching the character that I had created come to life and walk

Have I created a MONSTER???

This is the screenshot of the character I have created. As you can see I have added footsteps however some parts of the character are not quite 'snapped' correctly on the Biped and was a problem I could not fix and finish


The storyboard is to show off the models that I have created and detail what is going to happen in the animation that I am going to be creating.

The idea that I have decided to work on is Leonardo Da Vinci's weapons and the power that those weapons would have had in the 15th Century, with hopefully a little twist.

Furthermore I have decided to use paper that is similar to tracing paper to show the model's, camera's and lights on different bits of the paper, but when they are joined on top of one another, they should show a detailed storyboard of where everything will be placed in the animation.

Right onto the details of the animation.

The first scene will be the camera panning out to reveal the crossbow that is ready to fire at its target.
Then there will be the words CHAMPION go across the screen (hopefully bringing a bit of humor to the animation).
Next will be the camera panning out to revel the catapult that is ready to fire also, with the words CONTENDER coming across the animation.
After will be a bird's eye view of the battlefield (maybe with the words FIGHT across the screen)
Next the catapult will take the first shot and will destroy part of the tower, making the camera follow the shot and shaking on impact hitting the tower.
After the crossbow will retaliate and fire back however the arrow will miss the catapult.
Next the catapult will fire a second shot with this shot also hitting the tower causing more damage.
Finally the crossbow fires back again and this shot becomes a direct hit causing the catapult badly damaged and beaten. 

Lets get Animating!!!!

This is the full storyboard, hopefully you can see the models on top then the camera behind then the light behind that

This is the models on their own

This is the camera's

This is the lights