Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Walking Model

For this tutorial I looked at a real-world preset action which is making a model walk!!!

For this I needed the simple character model that I had previously created and a preset model with 3D's Max called a Biped.

Firstly I needed to have the character open and I needed to bind the Biped model to the character model. This meant I had to line up the Biped model to the character model I created, for example I needed to add extra neck links and spine links. This was to make the character model move and seem more lifelike. I could have just used the preset Biped model but that is boring.

To begin the first step was very tricky, however it started to slowly come together but I had to basically 'snap' parts of the character model onto the Biped model, this was for the character model to have an exo-skeleton so that it could complete the next process.

Once That process was complete I was able to add footsteps and make my model really come to life by making it walk! This was done by using the 'Create Multiple Footsteps' action and all I needed to do from there was to choose how many footsteps I wanted and they were placed for me. I could have added extra actions such as how far part each step was but this was just practice.

From there on it was a case of pressing play and watching the character that I had created come to life and walk

Have I created a MONSTER???

This is the screenshot of the character I have created. As you can see I have added footsteps however some parts of the character are not quite 'snapped' correctly on the Biped and was a problem I could not fix and finish

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