Tuesday 24 April 2012


The storyboard is to show off the models that I have created and detail what is going to happen in the animation that I am going to be creating.

The idea that I have decided to work on is Leonardo Da Vinci's weapons and the power that those weapons would have had in the 15th Century, with hopefully a little twist.

Furthermore I have decided to use paper that is similar to tracing paper to show the model's, camera's and lights on different bits of the paper, but when they are joined on top of one another, they should show a detailed storyboard of where everything will be placed in the animation.

Right onto the details of the animation.

The first scene will be the camera panning out to reveal the crossbow that is ready to fire at its target.
Then there will be the words CHAMPION go across the screen (hopefully bringing a bit of humor to the animation).
Next will be the camera panning out to revel the catapult that is ready to fire also, with the words CONTENDER coming across the animation.
After will be a bird's eye view of the battlefield (maybe with the words FIGHT across the screen)
Next the catapult will take the first shot and will destroy part of the tower, making the camera follow the shot and shaking on impact hitting the tower.
After the crossbow will retaliate and fire back however the arrow will miss the catapult.
Next the catapult will fire a second shot with this shot also hitting the tower causing more damage.
Finally the crossbow fires back again and this shot becomes a direct hit causing the catapult badly damaged and beaten. 

Lets get Animating!!!!

This is the full storyboard, hopefully you can see the models on top then the camera behind then the light behind that

This is the models on their own

This is the camera's

This is the lights

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