Friday 3 February 2012

Making a Character

The next task was to create a basic character layout, which I started to worry about when I first heard about the task. However once I got my head round it and looked into the different tools available it didn't seem so bad. To start with I created a simple box and split the box into different segments to make the character easier to edit. I then had to make the object into an editable poly, which then gave me the opportunity to use the extrude tool, which allowed me to pull out certain parts of the box to make a body, then arms, then a head ( which was achieved using the bevel tool). These tools proved easy to use rather than having to draw out hundred's of different shapes. Once I had finished creating my character I was introduced to the turbo smooth effect which as you can see makes the character have a more realistic feel to it.

This is the basic character using the extrude and bevel tools

This is the basic character in turbo smooth format

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