Tuesday 28 February 2012


This post is going to be about materials. This topic I found interesting however it was a bit of trail and error, however after a few attempts I managed to have a piece of wood that looked sort of realistic. The first step was to create a box that would transform into a piece of wood. Then came the clever part, 3D's Max has a material editor built into the software and was tricky to use to begin with but became clear once I got my head around it.

This is the box with the wood material added

As you can see the material editor can look a bit confusing, but all that has happened is I have chosen the diffuse option to add a bitmaped image (which is the material), then I decided to add some bump which involved dragging the image to the bump option and adding as much bump as you desire. Furthermore I went a step further and in to modifier menu under UVW Mapping I changed some options for example the mapping to box as the object is a box.

Here is the finished render of the piece of wood with the bump effect

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