Wednesday 29 February 2012

Tower Final Design

This post is going to be commenting on the final model design which is my interpretation of a castle with watch towers. I feel that this model is not as good as my other's however I have not done this model from another image or another idea, it is my own idea.

I did look at other towers and felt that they were a tad too complicated for my liking so I decided to go for an easier approach. I took a simple bow outline and made the box with quite a few edged faces. I then decided to convert the box to an 'editable poly' and chose the top face vertices and put the face in on itself. From there I decided to delete some faces around the edge to make holes (for people to look through for example). However once I did this there were gaps in the model so I used the 'create' tool to create more faces and complete the tower.

From there I decided that one tower was not enough so I copy the first tower I created and shrunk the scale of the image and attached it to the side of the first tower. I then put the same small tower the other side so it complete the set.

I then decided to create watch towers because the model still seemed a bit plain. So I created simple cylinders and made edged faces again, and like the box tower I choose the top face verticies and put them in on themselves, also I deleted the side faces like the box tower. Furthermore I used the 'create' tool again and filled in the gaps as before. I placed the watch tower on one of the small tower boxes and copied another watch tower over to the other box tower.

Once I was happy with the way my tower looked I decided to add in some material. I decided to keep the material the same for the whole model, as the tower would have been made out of the same material in the 15th centuary. The material I decided to use was just a simple brick work texture with an added 'bump' effect with UVW Mapping modifier used also.

This screenshot is of the Tower model with Materials added, as you can see there are quite a few edged faces.

This screenshot is of the material I have used for the Tower model, you can see the bump effect I have used for the material also.

This screenshot is of the final render of my Tower model.

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