Tuesday 28 February 2012

Material and Lighting

This post is going to comment on material and lighting techniques. For this post I have decided to create a simple plane for a base, then use a already made teapot and a sphere. Then with this objects I added some simple materials (colours) for this exercise to show how it works. Once I done this I then added a light, which is a spotlight, a spotlight is good to use because you can angle the light in any direction you want.

This shows the objects created and the direction of the spotlight that has been created

From here you can see that there is some very basic colours to the objects and the light is pointing towards the objects, but you wont see any light until you render your objects.

Which this is what it will look like

However I must say that to make realistic objects that work well with light, would need more fine tuning, which this exercise has not had.

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