Friday 4 May 2012

1000 Words Paints A Picture

This small post is going to be commenting on the text that I have used with my animation.

I decided to add to my original idea and make the animation more humorous by adding in a couple words of text, for example the crossbow and the catauplt are having a battle and I inserted the text 'Champion' for the crossbow and the words 'Contender' for the catapult.

The text was simple to create, just typed what I wanted into 3D's Max, placed the text where I wanted it to show by rotating and moving the text into position. I also had to extrude the text to make it 3D, but I do think that by using the text it fits within the animation and seems to be funny. Below is a screenshot of an example of the text that I have used within my animation.

This screenshot is of the text that I have used in my animation you have to watch the whole animation to understand

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