Friday 4 May 2012

Why Is It So Dark?

For this post I am going to comment on the lights that I have inserted into my animation.

I originally planned to not have any lights in the animation, however I felt that having them within the animation made it clearer to see for the audience.

The lights that I used where the 'omni' lights, these are not the best lights but felt that is all that was needed, but I did have to put in two or three lights for each render, because the light didn't stretch over the whole stage.

The lights also don't move they are static as I didn't think they needed to be animated in anyway.

However I do feel that the lights could have been placed better as some parts of the animation I feel are too bright, but this will be explained in more detail in another post.

I will screenshot an example of how the light is working in the animation.

This screenshot is of the lights that I have used in my animation as you can see the shadow on the top of the tower.

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