Friday 4 May 2012

All Coming Together

For this post I am going to comment on the rendering that I have had to do within the animation.

Firstly I had finished my first attempt at an animation and was ready to render, I selected all the options that were needed apart from the compression, as the video needed to be uncompressed which I didn't do and found out once I had rendered the animation.

So I had to re-render and remebered to slect uncompressed this time. Luckily my animation didn't take long to render, unlike my colleges where there's took five hours to render!!!

Eventually the second render attempt finished but once I played it through the geometry went all wrong, and I assumed this was because of the 'Pro Boolean' so I went for a third attempt but did the render in chunks which eventually worked after the third attempt.

Next I had to import the files that I had render into Adobe Premier so that I could join them together which wasn't too difficult seeing as I hadn't used it before.

Furthermore whilst in Premier I added a static title at the end and the beginning of the animation just to tell the audience who's animation it was.

But I think I have eventually got there and am almost ready to hand in getting a little nervous now!

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