Wednesday 2 May 2012

Taking In The Scenery

This post is regarding the scenario that the animation I am creating is going to be in. I was given a brief to work from, which was firstly to create three models based around 15th Century Italy and Leonardo Da Vinci and to create an animation to fit this brief too.

The three models where of Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions the only problem was to think of a scenario that matched the brief, and I decided to go with an animation that showed of the power of these inventions, which gave me the idea of a scenario being away from any city's of Italy, instead being part of a 15th century battlefield.

However I must admit that the scenario is not greatly detailed and I feel that this lets the animation down, furthermore this might have been due to me paying more attention to the animation of the models and not the surrounding area of the models.

I decided to create a cylinder for the environment floor, this was because when you look at the horizon the world is round, and if I had just used a pre-fixed plane within 3D's Max then the horizon would have been flat not round hence the use of a cylinder, then I just added a sandy texture with a bit of bump added. The reference for this texture is:

Sand Terrain Texture - n.d. Sand Texture, [electronic image] Available at: <,r:11,s:0,i:131> [Accessed 12 April 2012].

The other texture that I have added for the scenario is the sky. I decided to add this because if I had just left it blank the animation would have been boring and not realistic however by adding in the sky texture I believe it has made the animation more realistic. The reference for this texture is:

Blue Sky Texture - 14 August 2008, BLUE SKY, [electronic image] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 April 2012].

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