Friday 4 May 2012

There Could Be Improvements

For this post I am going to comment on the improvements that I feel I could put in my animation.

Firstly the I feel that I have created a good attempt at my first animation in 3D's Max, as I have never used this software before, however I do feel there could be inprovements.

One improvement could be the lights, I think they need to be better placed as some parts of the animation are too bright.

Another could be the length of the animation, I think it might be a bit too short and some parts of the animation rushed, which means better planning should have been taken.

Next improvement could be the smoothness of the animation, where I have rendered the animation and attempted to join together using Adobe Premier it is slightly jumpy.  

Finally the biggest improvement that could have been made is the 'Pro Boolean' I have used in the animation, this is because I think that without it my animation could have been better, but unfortunately I needed it for my animation to work.

Overall though I still think that my first ever attempt at creating an animation in 3D's Max is till better than I thought it was going to be when I started this module.

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