Friday 4 May 2012

And Were Rolling!

This post is going to comment on the camera that was used within the animation.

For the animation I was going to use multiple camera's however I realised I would need to do multiple camera's and didn't feel I had the time to fit them in the animation. However once I had come to the end of animating I realised I could have done my original plan as I needed to do multiple renders anyway, but this will be explained in the render post which is to follow.

However back to camera's for my animation, I used a target camera, as I felt using a free one wouldn't capture what I really wanted, with a target camera I could position exactly what I wanted the audience to see, and I think I have achieved this quite well. I will screenshot a camera view from the animation.

This screenshot is of a camera view from my animation, I zoomed out at this point so that you could see the catpult fall apart

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